KaiExporter Release Notes

Current Version:
Release Date:13 July 2024
Version 1.5
Released: 13 July 2024
  • General:
    Miscellaneous bug fixes and improvements


  • General:
    Updated SSL signing certificate
Released: 23 November 2023


  • FilePro:
    Cannot select FilePro database when validating connection details

  • General:
    Miscellaneous bug fixes and improvements
Released: 26 August 2023


  • eBrief Ready Integration:
    Added support for additional file types which can be uploaded to eBrief Ready: 3gp, 3g2, aac, avi, bz, cda, css, epub, gz, gif, ico, jar, js, json, mid, odt, oga, ogv, ogx, php, tar, vsd, weba, webm, webp, xhtml

  • General:
    Miscellaneous bug fixes and improvements
Released: 19 August 2023


  • Affinity Integration:
    "There is an error in XML document" error when attempting to view documents on some matters.

  • General:
    Miscellaneous bug fixes and improvements
Released: 13 August 2023

New Features

  • General:
    New command line switch added, allowing you to specify a different settings file. This is useful if you have multiple entities which point to different databases / eBrief Ready accounts.


  • Affinity Integration:
    When changing the Affinity connection settings, the UI validates against the old settings.

  • System Folder Integration:
    When exporting to a folder or DropBox, file names become truncated if they contain a period.

  • General:
    Miscellaneous bug fixes and improvements
Released: 04 April 2023


  • eBrief Ready Integration:
    'Object reference not set to an instance of an object' error when uploading large files in certain circumstances.

  • eBrief Ready Integration:
    Time out error reported when retrieving details of large matters from eBrief Ready

  • General:
    Miscellaneous bug fixes and improvements
Released: 26 March 2023


  • General:
    Improved and extended error handling

  • eBrief Ready Integration:
    KaiExporter now supports larger uploads to eBrief Ready. Large uploads are now automatically broken down into smaller chunks (customisable). The previous 2GB upload limit has been removed and timeout issues resolved.

  • General PMS Integration:
    New "no folder" option added to file selection screen, allowing you to isolate files which do not belong to any folder.

  • General:
    When dragging folders within the File Selection screen, you can now drag the "All Files" folder. The "Retain Folder Structure" setting is obeyed (when available).

  • General:
    Miscellaneous bug fixes and improvements

Version 1.4
Released: 02 February 2023


  • Affinity Integration:
    KaiExporter will not load if using a license key issued prior to 1/1/2022.

  • General:
    Miscellaneous bug fixes and improvements
Released: 20 December 2022


  • Licensing:
    Updated licensing module


  • Affinity Integration:
    Custom folders from non-related matters are displayed in some instances (Affinity).

  • General:
    Miscellaneous bug fixes and improvements
Released: 04 November 2022


  • eBrief Ready Integration:
    Some eBrief Ready folders not displayed in certain circumstances.

  • General:
    Miscellaneous bug fixes and improvements
Released: 27 September 2022

New Features

  • General:
    Document Preview window added allowing you to view the selected documents without opening them.

  • General:
    New Feedback form added allowing you to provide quick feedback regarding new feature requests or enhancements or just thoughts on KaiExporter in general.

  • General PMS Integration:
    New options added allowing for handling of checked out documents.

  • eBrief Ready Integration:
    The default folders for new eBrief Ready matters can now be customised based on the matter type (Affinity), or work type and/or matter profile (FilePro).


  • Affinity Integration:
    Affinity 11 support added.

  • Affinity Integration:
    Affinity Matter Team Security settings are now enforced.

  • General:
    Column settings are retained when closing the file selection screen.

  • eBrief Ready Integration:
    Documents can now be uploaded to eBrief Ready without a date.

  • eBrief Ready Integration:
    Extended tooltip information added to the selected eBrief Ready Files list to be consistent with other destination types. When displaying existing files on eBrief Ready, the current description within the PMS is also displayed (if found).

  • General PMS Integration:
    New columns added to file selection screen: Version, Version Description.

  • General:
    New extended upload summary displayed prior to exporting, allowing you to review the selected options.

  • eBrief Ready Integration:
    New Locate File menu option added to eBrief Ready files list, allowing you to quickly locate the selected eBrief Ready document, within the PMS file list.

  • General PMS Integration:
    New Refresh button added to Source Matter list


  • eBrief Ready Integration:
    Estimated upload size does not update after re-opening the file selection screen.

  • General:
    Miscellaneous bug fixes and improvements

Version 1.3
Released: 15 August 2022

New Features

  • General PMS Integration:
    New recently used matters option added.

  • General:
    The file selection screen has been overhauled. You can now drag/drop files or entire folders to the required target folder. You can also easily retain the existing folder structure from your practice management system when exporting to a system folder or DropBox.

  • General:
    You can now select an export folder by right-clicking over one or more documents and selecting "Export to".


  • Dropbox Integration:
    Added ability to create folders in Dropbox


  • General:
    Documents appear as selected but are not visible in the destination when the user changes the source/target matter or destination type. The selected documents are now cleared if the source/target selections are modified.

  • eBrief Ready Integration:
    Error "Sequence contains no elements" when uploading documents to eBrief Ready in certain circumstances.

  • General PMS Integration:
    On new workstations, the user is prompted for the FilePro installation location, even if they use Affinity (and vice versa).


  • General:
    Embedded SSL certificate updated

  • General:
    Miscellaneous bug fixes and improvements

Version 1.2
Released: 14 April 2022


  • eBrief Ready Integration:
    KaiExporter quits unexpectedly when selecting a matter that already exists on eBrief Ready. This only occurs when the matter contains folders with the "Prefix folder name alphabetically" option turned on.

  • General:
    Miscellaneous bug fixes and improvements
Released: 13 April 2022
  • General:
    Miscellaneous bug fixes and improvements

    Released: 28 March 2022

    New Features

    • eBrief Ready Integration:
      New option added to display the list of documents already on eBrief Ready for the selected matter.


    • eBrief Ready Integration:
      A new visual alert has been added if the user chooses to export to a new matter on eBrief Ready and an existing matter already exists. The new matter name is automatically appended with an incrementing number to ensure it is unique. This can be overridden by the user if required.

    • General:
      An visual alert has been added to notify the user if a new version is available for download.

    • eBrief Ready Integration:
      New "Message" column added to Recent Exports to display error message if the upload failed to complete.


    • eBrief Ready Integration:
      Exporting documents to a deleted matter does not return an error, however the matter or documents are not visible on eBrief Ready. KaiExporter is now aware if a matter has been previously deleted on eBrief Ready and will create a brand new matter if additional documents are subsequently exported.

    • General:
      Miscellaneous bug fixes and improvements
    Released: 23 February 2022

    New Features

    • General:
      New option added allowing the user to restart the wizard once an export has completed.

    • Recent Items:
      New Recent Exports option added, allowing the user to view/load previous exports. Refer to the KaiExporter documentation for more information.

    • FilePro:
      Support for FilePro practice management system added (requires a KaiExporter for FilePro license). Currently in BETA testing.


    • eBrief Ready Integration:
      The number of active (i.e. non-trashed) documents on eBrief Ready are now displayed next to each folder on the Customise and Upload screen.

    • Recent Items:
      What's New information is now displayed automatically the first time you run KaiExporter after installing or upgrading. You can show this screen at any time by clicking the 'What's New in this Release' link in the 'About KaiExporter' window.


    • eBrief Ready Integration:
      An error is generated when a file is uploaded to eBrief Ready with a description greater than 255 characters.

    • Recent Items:
      When exporting to a folder, an error is generated when the full path exceeds 260 characters.

    • General:
      Miscellaneous bug fixes and improvements

    Version 1.0
    Released: 06 December 2021


    • eBrief Ready Integration:
      Upload to eBrief Ready fails if file name contains unicode characters. Error: not found in archive

    • General:
      Miscellaneous bug fixes and improvements
    Released: 01 December 2021
  • General:
    Miscellaneous bug fixes and improvements

    Released: 21 November 2021
  • General:
    Miscellaneous bug fixes and improvements

    Released: 01 November 2021
  • General:
    Miscellaneous bug fixes and improvements

    Released: 08 October 2021


    • Licensing:
      Improved error message when licensing fails


    • Affinity Integration:
      'Item has already been added' error when selecting documents in some circumstances.

    • General:
      Miscellaneous bug fixes and improvements
    Released: 30 September 2021


    • Recent Items:
      Initial release